Transcending company silos with a Shared Responsibility Model Sep 29, 2017 I published the following post while I was the CEO at Plainflow, Inc. on September 29, 2017. At this year’s SaaStock conference, I had the opportunity to talk with a lot of amazing people (founders of SaaS-oriented companies, marketers, salespeople, C-levels). Many of them thought that I was in marketing or that I previously worked for a marketing services company or similar. Instead, my path couldn’t be more different. I’m a technical guy who has spent his career in the IT world. ...
Bitcoin mining malware, analysis of an infection Oct 1, 2015 When an attacker manages to compromise and get root access to a server or your notebook, his main goal usually is to steal sensitive information, to use it as a bridgehead for attacking other targets, to send spam or deny a service for causing money losses. When I started my sysadmin career path, more than ten years ago, almost all software exploits were used with the previously explained goals in mind, but something is changing since the crypto-currencies have begun to spread and gain real value. ...
Cloud Computing: cos’è e quali sono vantaggi e svantaggi Aug 15, 2015 La prima cosa che salta all’occhio, a chi vuole addentrarsi nell’argomento e comprendere le offerte attualmente presenti sul mercato, è che ci sono diverse definizioni di cloud computing. C’è chi fornisce una definizione generica e chi si addentra nella descrizione dei servizi minimi che una infrastruttura cloud deve necessariamente offrire per essere definita tale. Non essendo stato definito alcuno standard de iure, sono dell’idea che la definizione più appropriata sia quella generica. ...
Storia del computing dai mainframe al cloud computing Aug 15, 2015 Con continui riferimenti e pubblicità a prodotti basati sul cloud computing, ai non addetti ai lavori potrebbe sembrare che il paradigma cloud sia la soluzione, spuntata improvvisamente dal nulla, a tutti i problemi che possono affliggere il reparto IT. In precedenza ho analizzato vantaggi e svantaggi del cloud computing, in questo articolo vorrei soffermarmi sulle origini tecnologiche del cloud computing, per cercare di rispondere al seguente interrogativo: a livello tecnologico, il cloud computing è un “rebrand” di tecnologie mature, già ampiamente utilizzate, oppure è una nuova tecnologia? ...
Italy is not a startup paradise Jun 14, 2014 Sorry, but Italy is no startup paradise is a snapshot of the italian current situation about startups by Armando Biondi (@armandobiondi), COO of AdEspresso. Here is an excerpt: Italy launches three times as many startups compared to San Francisco and has a third of the institutional investors in Silicon Valley? Holy sh*t: Startup paradise! Well … not really. And while the numbers may be correct, quality and quantity are two very different things. ...
Hello world! Introduction to my blog Apr 13, 2014 Hi everyone and welcome to my website. I’m a Entrepreneur with a strong Engineering background. I hope this blog will be a good way to share with you my ideas and experiences: if just one person will benefit of it, I’ll be highly satisfied! Starting a new blog, why not? MyCloudBeans was my previous blog, but it was written in italian, so I decided to start a fresh new one using my main domain name. ...